Gluten and wheat intolerances exposed

January 3, 2024 | by Johan Jacobs

For millenniums, humans have eaten, survived and thrived on wheat and other similar grains as a staple food. Recently, critical variables have changed dramatically.

Modern refined white flour products are stripped of approximately 90% of their nutrients.

All white flour derived products (white bread, pizza, pasta, etc.) offers the unsuspected consumer with a grossly nutrient- deficient “food” product. This is not natural and will lead to nutrient starvation and an endless craving for nutrients. Furthermore, modern wheat and grain products may be contaminated with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fumigation residues (to prevent insect infestation post harvesting), all dependant on the producer and the used farming practices.

If this is not enough, we preserve every loaf of commercial bread with calcium propionate, a preservative to inhibit mould and fungus formation in order to ensure shelf life of atleast a week. Food preservatives, like calcium propionate, serves a purpose in preserving breads and other food goods, but it isn’t necessarily good for health – it is a foreign chemical that the body is not accustomed to.

When we observe this information, it becomes clear that we are the only mammal on this planet that has mastered the ways to render a staple food group to be nutrient deficient (yet fattening with all the empty carbohydrates), but also toxic.

What’s even scarier is that we then label the side effects caused by this adulterated nutrient-deficient and toxic modern version of staple food to the human body, as gluten or wheat intolerance.

The Creator made a mistake when he designed wheat and grain for us to eat.

That our Saviour allowed a dangerous food to be miraculously multiplied when he fed the masses on the mountain in John 6.

It is clear that this can’t be true. our Creator and Saviour never makes errors. The problem is therefore not with the wheat, but with modern food processing and our lack of information and wisdom. Supporting facts are that history and anthropological studies prove that our ancestors have enjoyed hand-made whole grain foods for thousands of years without intolerances, blood sugar problems, obesity and diabetes. We have hundreds of Go Natural customers that can testify to this and also that their so-called ‘gluten intolerance’ is history since introducing of the real thing.

It is preferable that you always use freshly stone-mill living, raw and organic grain, immediately prior to preparation of the grain-related food. This ensures that the fragile essential fatty acids and amino acids (protein) in the germ of the grain is fresh. In fact, oxidised essential fatty acids in old flour become a transfatty acid which is toxic and carcinogenic

Traditionally, bread-baking was done with a sour dough culture. This process is a lengthy process. Freshly milled flour was kneaded in to a beautiful dough at night, early morning it was knocked down and placed in baking tins. The bread was baked later, after a nearly 12-24 hour leavening process. Modern scientists have now discovered that this long, traditional baking process have the following benefits:

  • the grain and gluten gets predigested by the sour dough beneficial bacteria
  • phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors in grain are broken down to ensure optimum nutrient utilisation.

It is a disaster that we have lost such a vast amount of food preparation skills. The industrial food complex with all its well-presented solutions capitalised on our ignorance and quick-fix mentality. This article is too short to expose all the pitfalls of modern precooked and prepared instant box-foods. I therefore invite you to read my book, Go Natural, and to discover how to re-educate and re-skill yourself regarding all these lost traditional food preparation, methods, skills and natural living details.

Modern man must learn again to compare apples with apples and one must be able to discern what is right and wrong. Regarding healthy living, we have become lazy in passing on wisdom to our future generations. Instead, we bombard our most precious children with the most devastating modern foods at birthday parties. It is clear that modern man needs wisdom and discernment to properly nourish and care for our earthly temples (bodies) as we are distinctly far-removed from the truth. God warned us:“…for whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

Sadly because of a lack of knowledge: “We pray for healing, but we eat for ‘disease.”

The Good News is that God also said, “The truth will set you free.” I invite you to search and practice truth and then receive your second chance.”

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