Affordable healthy living

January 2, 2024 | by Johan Jacobs

There is a false perception that healthy living is not available for the man on the street. Most of the time this leaves people stunned and ignorant with a false excuse that that they can continue with their faulty modern diet and life style.

Modern men were gradually conditioned over time and at present are addictive and aggressively enslaved to the ever growing entertainment industry, i.e.; sport, TV, art, movies, computer games, etc. This paradigm, that people don’t have money to spend on healthy food and living is sometimes a paradox, since there is always money for a bigger flat screen TV, new phones with the latest technology, etc. Most of the time it is not a monetary issue, but this is used as a convenient excuse.

I believe that people instinctively know they need to change. This is what they are afraid of. They know they must sacrifice this convenient and over- entertained life style. On top of that we all know that the human is resistant and afraid of change. I can definitely understand and relate to it. In our home, 17 years ago my family and I made many changes since my diagnosis with the so called ‘incurable dis-ease’ multiple sclerosis.

At times, all the new changes were very challenging and overwhelming. In a certain way I guess it was easier for me, as it was a near ‘adapt or die’ situation. We chose life after the Holy Spirit guided and showed us that we needed to change. Today I praise God, He made a way where there was no way and no hope, He gave me a second chance. I am so thankful for God that He allowed me to go through this trial. Literally from a ‘curse to a blessing’.

At stages, we as a family learned exponentially, in terms of facts, truths, remedies, and recipes. This we have all documented in our life changing and saving book GO NATURAL Wisdom for Healthy Living. The objective of the book is to make it easy, practical, and affordable for modern people to survive and thrive in the cities (the concrete jungle). We have learned all the lessons, you don’t need to be afraid of change, rest assured there are many proven, documented, tried and tested ways, recipes, and methods to make healthy living available, affordable, and practical to every person.

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We should all be good stewards of what God has
given us. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” – 1 Cor 3:16-17. It is clear God wants us to be responsible.

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” – Rom 12:1-2. If you read my book you will come to the realisation that there are so many dangerous deceptive modern “foods”, products, and practices that one can side-step.

These are exactly the root-causes of ‘dis-ease’ that people should be aware of. Remember, what we sow shall we reap, we can’t ignore this Biblical principal anymore. I’ve discovered that today, it is crucial that we must be wise, as the father of lies has corrupted our food chain and health care system. The Bible warns us: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” – 1 Pet 5:8.

God created the perfect food chain, and He created us for a paradise environment. Processed, boxed, packaged, and canned foods does not fit there. Let’s take up our responsibility and be informed that we can act wisely and proactively. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” – Gal 6:7.

I am sad to report that today many Christians pray for healing but they eat for ‘dis-ease’. This
ignorant and dangerous living is not wise and it can be resolved. We must realise that “the
truth will set you free”
– John 8:32. Free from the shackles of ‘dis-ease’ and the symptomatic relief with modern medicine without the removal of the root cause.

I tell our seminar/workshop attendees that the two most important ingredients for change and success are two hands and a willing heart. On the other side of the coin, if one looks at the dreaded ‘dis-ease’ statistics, my counter question is: can one afford not to start investing time, effort, and your reserves in your health?

Trust me – to be proactive is far more cost effective than to turn around a dreaded ‘dis-ease’.

Suggestions to implement in your diet and life style:

  1. Information is power: it is the key, it is the rational start to know where you are going.
    I invite you to read my book. You don’t need to read hundreds of books anymore. I’ve
    summarised almost 100 books into one powerful and condensed volume with 76
    recipes (skills).
  2. Pure water: Start to store free rain water. Staple food from living grain: Firstly, self
    sprouted grains are dirt cheap, you can convert them into a scrumptious and super
    nourishing Essene bread. Secondly, enjoy freshly (same day) ground whole grain foods
    just as our ancestors did. Their grain foods were not pre-processed and sold in boxes
    from the shelves in super stores. Our book offers many staple food recipes made from
    living whole ingredients such as bread, porridge, pizza, pasta, etc.
  3. Home grown vegetables and fruits: every household should start to produce home-
    grown foods and herbs. Beetroot and carrots are healthy and cheap.
  4. Sprouts: make your kitchen your garden. Food combination: Combine 50% whole
    and fresh grain foods with 50% legumes to increase protein content of plant based foods.
  5. Bone broths: Again, dirt cheap but most nourishing. Typical ingredients such as scrap
    bones, and even chicken feet.
  6. Toothpaste and natural antiperspirant: Make your own chemical free versions for a
    fraction of the cost.
  7. Self-made produce: This point for me is the most important one. Invest time and effort to
    skill yourself in making real foods and health products. Every time you buy a readymade product you are essentially not paying for the product but you are paying for the suppliers;
    skill, equipment, time, and profit of the producer and retailer, all these that equals your convenience. A classic example is a loaf of healthy Essene bread, you can make it for less than R6, but in a health store they retail around R50. As you can see, this is the origin of the faulty‘expensive’healthy living perception. Born from the skill-deprived, addictive, and convenience seeking public.

All these recipes/skills and much more are in our book. You will save lots of money, but money is not the issue, remember, it is time and convenience that you need to sacrifice and or attain. Soon this diet and lifestyle will become a habit, with immeasurable advantages, as you melt excess weight and enjoy health and vitality with peace of mind. Don’t wait until the proverbial paw-paw hits the fan. We also present a two-in-one seminar and workshop on how to live naturally; it is called The Go Natural – FOR the LOVE of REAL FOOD workshop to equip and skill people in living the GO NATURAL way.

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