Everybody is a target. There is a well-oiled, but wicked business model to make patients and then to profit from us, the public.
The erosion is slow enough that the public can’t put the dots together. This is how it happens. Modern refined foods slowly but surely curse the body as the body becomes nutrient deprived but in parallel poisoned by accumulated food chemical preservatives, colorants, taste enhancers, etc. The person become uncomfortable, (“dis-eased”) and seek help, the case gets diagnosed, and then treated with allopathic protocols, in other words, the symptom, but without ever removing the root cause.
Our previous videos prove that dental decay is the first visible symptom of being malnourished. In my case at 10 years of age, I received my first mercury amalgam filling, at the age of 20 years of age, I smoked the mercury of 10 mercury amalgam fillings. At the age of 30, I was so acutely poisoned by all the accumulated mercury and many other nerve toxins in my central nervous system. These assortments of fat-soluble toxic elements accumulated in my brain and caused severe neurological injuries. Many brain signals will not rich its end destination anymore and it caused certain body parts to partially lose certain functions, I was clinically diagnosed by 2 neurologists with MS using an MRI-scan and the diagnosis was confirmed with a lumber puncture.
MS is but one symptom of and injured brain, there are many neurological injuries and many more neurological poisons in the market causing all sorts of different varieties of neurological damage and dysfunctional symptoms.
There is HOPE, my RECOVERY PROTOCOL as documented in our book GONATURAL Wisdom for Healthy Living has helped me and many others to recover from many “incurables”. “DIS-EASES” are only incurable, because the ROOT CAUSES never gets removed.