Four years after my diagnosis, the MS became so aggressive that eventually I was incapacitated and declared medical unfit for work in 2004 with no hope of recovery. At the 11th hour my breakthrough came, my journey to recovery led me to amazing people, discoveries, and revelations. I give God all the glory, this year is my 13TH year of recovery from advanced primary progressive MS.
I’ve documented all my life saving discoveries in my book Go Natural. I invite you to read it, but also our online testimonies. We’ve already sold more than 4600 copies, it was printed 3 times and has just been released in a second updated and expanded edition.
Tooth decay and your health
This is a follow up article on the “Root Cause for Dental Decay’ article where we looked at the possible results and risk factors of tooth decay on your health. I’ve learnt that nonvital teeth (a root canal treated tooth) and chronically infected gums can be a major cause of, and source of, dangerous toxins in your body. These toxins can be responsible for your state of ill health. Your immunological reaction to toxins is individual, but there are definite common threads.
A connection between dreaded diseases and oral pathology?
For the sake of brevity, we will not focus on the well documented toxicological dangers of restorative dental fillings e.g. mercury toxicity from silver amalgam fillings, but rather focus on two other dangerous aspects of oral pathology. It should be common knowledge, but sadly most people are not informed that the silver amalgam fillings by mass contain 52% mercury. More correctly it should be called Mercury Amalgam. The mercury is released in three ways from the filling into your body which can cause illness. In spite of hundreds of studies that 74JOY! MAGAZINE link these fillings with diseases (and is well documented in my book), it remains a controversial subject.
Return to the original diet and lifestyle for which God created us
Oral Pathology (OP)
According to six pioneer researchers, Dr.George E Meinig, Dr. Hul A Huggins, Dr. Andrew Levy, Robert Dowling, Dr. Hilde Clark, and Dr. Voll of Germany, about 80% of chronic medical diseases can be linked to certain oral pathologies. There are many OP’s that present risk factors, but we will focus on the two most important oral pathologies.
Root canal treated teeth
These teeth are dead (non-vital) and have had the pulp, blood, and nerve supply in the root canal removed. The pulp chamber and canals are then filled with Gutta Percha (a dental filler) in the hope that the tooth can be conserved in the mouth. Strictly speaking, you have a ‘sterile’ gangrene – a dead structure within a living organ! Th dentine is porous, therefore it is impossible to keep the non-vital tooth structure sterile in the long-term.
2. Dental jaw cavitations or NICO lesions (Neuralgia-Inducing Cavitational Osteonecrosis)
These hollows or voids often occur in tooth extraction sites where the periodontal ligament was not removed. The blood clot, which is part of the normal healing process, only partially heals, leaving a necrotic void in the bone.
This void is contaminated with anaerobic bacteria, and a toxic necrotic mush which percolates through the surrounding bone into the bloodstream. The common denominator in both a root canal treated tooth and a jaw cavitation is an absent or extremely compromised blood supply. A blood supply is essential for the immune system, because it supplies oxygen and much needed nutrients to the affected area.
The mouth contains many bacteria that will penetrate a dead tooth or bone where the immune system cannot effectively reach it. The normally strong immune system eventually cannot effectively neutralise these bacteria and toxic substances that are leaching out.
The non-vital root canal and NICO in affect become an incubator and safe haven for anaerobic bacteria that produces dangerous toxins that unnecessary harm and interrupt the immune system.
What causes oral pathology?
The primary cause is the nutrient poor diet, which leads to tooth decay and eventually progresses until an emergency procedure is necessary – a root canal treatment – where the blood supply and nerve is removed. To follow a correct diet and lifestyle would prevent this whole process from occurring! The progress of such pathology is most often insidious and can cause years of suffering before any diagnosis is made.
If your Diet and Lifestyle (DaL) is not corrected, the body will courageously try to compensate, but it will continue to deteriorate. More physical degeneration will lead to weaker and more sensitive teeth, more tooth structure will be lost with bigger fillings, you will endure more pain, and ultimately a root canal treatment will follow, which renders the tooth lifeless.
Remember, life is in the blood. A non-vital or dead tooth cannot defend itself because it cannot benefit from the protection of your immune system. Slowly but surely the jaw becomes infected and sick with bacteria, bacterial toxins, and degenerative elements.
The immune system valiantly tries to contain this onslaught, but due to the weak blood supply the immune system never succeeds in containing the infection for healing to take place. We are all created unique. Every individual has his own unique genetic fingerprint. Every person will exhibit a different immunological reaction and, ‘dis-ease’ reaction.
Take note of what a few experts have to say regarding oral pathology:
1. Recently Dr. Robert Dowling, an independent bio-scientist and researcher, reported:
“If you don’t have oral pathology, you won’t get cancer or a degenerative disease.
Expressed another way, if you have cancer or a degenerative disease, you have oral
pathology.” Fred Hughes, Researched by Robert Dowling, D.Sc. Am I Dead? …. or do
I just feel like it. Cancer Cured, the Coming Storm.
2. “Far more devastating than amalgam, the toxicity of root canals has been known by the medical and dental professions since.
3. Most of our current auto-immune diseases stem from root canal toxins. There is no such thing as a good or a poor root canal. All are hazardous.” Dr Hal A Huggins, DDS, MS, Solving the MS Mystery: Help, Hope and Recovery.
4. A root canal treated tooth could be considered a little manufacturing plant for the low-grade and chronic production of toxins substantially more toxic than botulinum toxin. …However, there could hardly exist a better and more subtle way to chronically traumatise the immune system. In reality good health can be maintained until this collapse, and the correlation between the infected root canal tooth and the heart attack, cancer, or other degenerative disease is rarely made. Thomas E Levy, MD JD. Optimal Nutrition for Optimal Health.
Be informed
No accomplished and experienced naturopath, toxicologist, or natural health professional will attempt to treat and help a severely ill patient with, cancer, MS, or any other dreaded condition without a thorough dental examination.
Safe extraction method
There is a very specific method to remove a tooth to prevent dental jaw cavitation. These are well explained in my book. It simply entails the scraping out of the periodontal ligament and removal of the surrounding millimetre or so of bone. Sadly there are only a few biological dentists and maxilla facial surgeons that know how to remove and prevent these OP’s. Once these OP’s are removed, it leaves an open and very sensitive jaw bone in the mouth. It is important that the immune system is prepared for such an operation.
There are a specific diet and oral hygiene protocol to be followed two weeks prior and two weeks after the surgery. This protocol is called the pre and post oral operative protocol and is also well documented and explained in my book. Remember that dental decay is viewed as a nutritional injury caused by our modern faulty processed food diet and life style and that can be reversed by timely correction of our basic diet and lifestyle.
We can avoid much suffering and a lot of expense if we resort back to the original food chain that God created for us. If you need more advice re: the article or on your health and ‘disease’ condition, you are welcome to email the author at Read some of our inspiring testimonies at of people who recovered from dreaded ‘dis-eases’ once they removed their OP’s and followed the GO NATURAL recovery protocol.